This is a mobile game based on the popular anime series Naruto, featuring 3D competitive action. It allows players to experience the stories and battles of Naruto's childhood through stunning graphics. The game includes two main modes: Ultimate Mission Mode and Free Battle Mode.
In Ultimate Mission Mode, players can relive the iconic moments and battles from Naruto's childhood. They can freely explore the Hidden Leaf Village and take on various missions and mini games. This mode allows for a more immersive experience and a deeper understanding of the story.
Free Battle Mode, on the other hand, offers fast-paced action and allows players to choose from 25 different characters from Naruto's childhood, along with 10 support characters. With a variety of powerful ninjutsu actions and battles, players can engage in thrilling fights against their friends or the computer.
The app has been optimized for mobile devices, making it easy for even first-time players to enjoy. The controls have been simplified, and players can now activate ninjutsu, ultimate jutsu, and other actions with just a tap. The game also includes new features and improvements, such as an auto-save function, different control modes, and a battle assist feature for casual players.
However, players should be aware that the game contains violent content and should monitor their gameplay time to avoid becoming too immersed. The game is designed for single-player mode only and requires at least 3.5 GB of free space to download. An internet connection is also necessary for backing up and transferring game data.
The game is distributed under the official rights from the license holder and is powered by "CRIWARE," a trademark of CRI Middleware Co., Ltd. By downloading or installing the app, players agree to the Bandai Namco Entertainment Terms of Service, which can be found on their website. The website also includes a privacy policy for players to review.
Overall, this Naruto game offers an exciting and immersive experience for fans of the series. With its stunning graphics, simplified controls, and various game modes, it is sure to provide hours of entertainment for players.