Terms of use

In this section, the terms of use of MizaMix users as well as considerations related to their privacy in the process of using MizaMix services have been discussed.
Note that the use of MizaMix's services and services means that you have accepted all the terms of use of MizaMix. Therefore, read all the conditions listed in this section carefully, and if you do not understand something correctly, contact MizaMix support.
It is also necessary to refer to this section once in a while in order to be informed of any changes in the terms of use of MizaMix users.


Some MizaMix services can be used without creating an account, but to use most MizaMix features, you need to create an account using your mobile phone number or email.
Account holders in MizaMix must read the following rules carefully and keep them in mind when using MizaMix services.

  1. The owner of a user account is responsible for all activities he/she performs on MizaMix using that user account. Therefore, in case of any problem or complaint about a user account, its owner must be responsible.
  2. Note, if the mobile number or email you used to create your account changes; Change or delete it in MizaMix immediately by contacting support.
  3. The owner of a MizaMix user account must be diligent in maintaining and maintaining his user account login information such as email and password. If any of this information is stolen, it is necessary to immediately discuss the matter with MizaMix. Otherwise, you will be responsible for any activity that is done using your MizaMix account.
  4. The user must enter his personal information correctly when creating a user account. (Shaba number and other information related to the payment and identity of the person) otherwise MizaMix has no responsibility for the mistakes recorded in the person's user account.
  5. Each person can have only one user account in MizaMix.
  6. Users are required to enter real information in their account. In special circumstances, MizaMix can ask a user for authentication. In such a situation, if the user fails to authenticate, MizaMix can block that person's user account at its discretion.
  7. MizaMix may suspend, disable or delete a user's account at any time in its sole discretion.

Content production

The meaning of content production is all the things that are created and published by the user in MizaMix. Any text, photo, sound and video published by the user is actually the content produced by him. Therefore, the user agrees not to publish content that violates the rules of MizaMix. Otherwise, MizaMix has the authority to deal with the offending user according to the rules.
The following are the contents that are prohibited to be published by the user in MizaMix and are against the rules of this store.

  1. Information about any other person (name, email, contact number and financial information, etc.)
  2. Unreal information, violence, insulting, profanity
  3. Content that violates customary and religious laws
  4. Content that violates the laws of the Islamic Republic of Iran
  5. Insulting saints, persons or ethnicities
  6. Content that violates any intellectual and material property rights, privacy and any individual or institutional rights
  7. Judgable and objectionable content that prevents others from using this service or limits the possibility of their use or is harmful to others in any way.
  8. Confidential information (name, email address, etc.)
  9. Asking to communicate with others outside the MizaMix space, inviting others to chat or follow and like
  10. Carrying out any kind of advertising, including advertising the site, channel, etc., or encouraging others to follow, like, rate, and other activities inside the program.
  11. Any use of the service that causes destruction, negative impact or restrictions on the use of other people, or any use that causes destruction, damage or restrictions on the operation of the service.
  12. Collecting personal information of other users
  13. Send spam or commercial messages through the Service
  14. Using the service for any illegal or unauthorized purposes or activities or participating in and promoting illegal activities

Respecting the privacy of users

To learn how we collect, use and disclose information about users, please read the user privacy document here .

Using apps and games

It is necessary for users to carefully read and consider the following before starting their activity in MizaMix and using the programs and games of this Android store.

  1. The content of programs and games published on MizaMix does not belong to MizaMix, and their legal responsibility rests entirely with the developers of these programs and games.
  2. All apps and games are reviewed on MizaMix and any kind of issues are investigated by MizaMix including:
    • Being destructive to the device
    • Violation of copyright law
    • Providing violent content
    • Absence of virus
    • Adequate quality and volume of content
    At the same time, each user is obliged to personally check the following items before downloading and installing a program or game and make sure of them:
    • Use a reliable antivirus software
    • Up-to-date Android version of your device
    • Detailed examination of the content of the game or program
    • Paying attention to game or program access permissions
    In other words, before downloading and installing a program or game, every user must ensure that the program or game does not harm him. MizaMix is not responsible for any problems in this regard.
  3. Users who download and install a game or program are required to comply with the copyright law for the content they have through that game or program.
    No user should publish that content in any form and in any space without informing the owner of the content and obtaining his permission.
  4. If MizaMix receives an order from the legal authority regarding the content, it is obliged to act according to that order and delete the content if necessary.

Application request

Users can request external applications that are not in MizaMix to be included in MizaMix. Requested programs are published in this Android store after checking and proving that they do not contradict MizaMix rules.

MizaMix has made it possible for users to request external programs that are not in MizaMix to be included in MizaMix. Requested programs are published after checking and proving that they do not conflict with MizaMix rules. If a program is against the rules and is published on MizaMix, the violation of using that program still exists for the requesting user.

Game and app purchases and in-app and game payments

There are two ways to sell programs and games on MizaMix, both of which comply with the current laws of buying and selling in the country.

  • Paid programs: before downloading and viewing the space and content inside the program, the user must purchase it, and the possibility of downloading the program or game will be provided to him after payment.
  • In-app payment: Downloading these programs is free, but after downloading, installing and using some features of these programs to access other parts or purchase some advanced features of that game or program, the user must make a payment through MizaMix portals.

When buying from MizaMix, there are some points that the user should pay attention to:

  1. To pay through MizaMix payment portal, you must use your bank card (the bank card that is in your name). People who are not old enough to have a bank card in their name can use their parents' bank card with their presence and knowledge. Otherwise, MizaMix is not responsible for the payment made by the user.
  2. The price of paid programs is fixed for users who have already purchased them, and price changes do not include their current ones. For example, users who have already purchased a program do not need to pay again after the price of that program increases. But the users who want to buy that program should buy it at the new price.

Leave a comment about the program and the game

Users can register comments and points for the games and programs they download and install. In commenting, all the issues raised regarding content creation by users should be followed. In addition, the following points must be observed by the user when registering comments:

  1. Comments should not contain information unrelated to the program.
  2. Comments should not be advertising or introducing personal content.
  3. Comments should not be sent as duplicates or spam.

In case of violation of the mentioned cases, MizaMix has the right to delete the registered comment or block the user account.

Insert reviews about the program and game

In addition to the rules stated about content production , it is also necessary to observe this point:
the user is responsible for all the published content and the user agrees not to publish content that is owned by another person without mentioning the source.
If this is proven, MizaMix has the right to deal with the wrong user according to the rules.

Users can comment on other users' app reviews. When leaving a comment, all the rules stated in the commenting section about the program and game must be followed.

Creating a list of recommended programs

The rules of content production must be observed in the names and programs of the list . In case of violating the rules related to the content as well as any of the following, MizaMix has the right to remove the relevant suggested list or deduct points and block the user account.

  1. The name of the list should not be related to the introduced programs.
  2. The list of offer programs is only to encourage scoring.


Users can earn points in different ways. Having a high score by the user can bring significant benefits to him. If MizaMix, based on its judgment, comes to the conclusion that a user has received unrealistic points, it can deduct the user's points in any amount and limit, suspend or delete the user's account.


At MizaMix's discretion, advertisements for digital or non-digital products may be displayed to the user. These ads are usually aimed at promoting Mycat's service, although they are not necessarily limited to it. By using MizaMix (with or without creating an account), the user agrees to receive these advertisements.

Violation report

MizaMix users can report content generated by other users that they think violates the rules, and MizaMix can remove such content or images, suspend or delete that user account, and take other action to force that user to comply with the rules. .


Any comments, suggestions or other types of feedback that the user sends to us will be treated as confidential information for us. MizaMix is free to use this feedback, publish it or exploit it in any way without notifying the user or having any obligation or restriction due to intellectual rights.

Violation of the declared items

As a user, you can use MizaMix services according to the conditions announced in this document and any kind of misuse of MizaMix facilities and services, hacking and manipulation of MizaMix program, use of MizaMix brand and name, in any way and without MizaMix's knowledge and any kind A destructive method that disrupts the work and operation of MizaMix is a violation of MizaMix's laws, and at the same time, MizaMix will pursue it through legal and judicial authorities.


Keep in mind that there are a large number of games and programs on MizaMix, each of which is produced and published by many Iranian or foreign developers. Therefore, it is necessary to examine the conditions for which MizaMix is not responsible:

  1. Any type of service that is being provided in the games and programs or will be provided in the future is the responsibility and ownership of its developer, and if a violation is committed by a program, MizaMix will only be responsible for the matters that have been directly mentioned in this document. Was.
  2. If you purchase an in-app product (such as a monthly subscription, coins, diamonds, etc.) through MizaMix and that product is removed from MizaMix for any reason within a week after your purchase, we undertake to refund the purchase amount. We will return it to you, but if the interval between purchase and removal is more than a week, MizaMix will not be responsible for refunding the amount spent.
  3. In in-app purchases, the desired service is purchased directly from the developer. Therefore, it is necessary to be aware of the terms of use and the rules and regulations set by the developer and comply with them. It should also be noted that the developer is also responsible for providing the purchased services.

Document changes

All users are advised to visit and read the rules published in this section periodically. These rules may change at any time. For example, we may change the rules when we add a new feature to MizaMix. If we change the rules, we'll let you know at the top of the page with the latest update. If you use the application after the rules have changed, it means that you have accepted the changes in the rules.